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DAS Preschool Seminar 2019

Ticket Information

  • General: $58.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Wed Mar 20 2019, 9:00am–2:00pm


All ages

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The Right Spin

Learning may not be as easy as ABC for preschoolers who are developing or at-risk of learning difficulties. Early intervention is critical.

Parents and educators can make a big difference in their child’s learning journey. Learn effective and practical strategies to help your developing child from paediatricians, specialist psychologists, speech and language therapists and preschool educational therapists.

They will discuss a wide range of challenges faced by preschoolers, from behavioural to social-emotional competence; and their impact on academic learning.

Details of keynote talks and workshops:
- Keynote 1: Learning in Young Children: A Singaporean Pediatrician’s Perspective
- Keynote 2: Social-Emotional Competence in Preschoolers
- Workshop 1: Playing with Sounds: Strategies for Developing Phonological Awareness for Better Reading Success
- Workshop 2: Nurturing Social Smarts in the Early Years
- Workshop 3: Building Comprehension Skills for Preschoolers
- Workshop 4: Behaviour IS a Form of Language

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