#My1stPapTest Cervical Cancer Screening
38 Jalan Pemimpin #02-01, Bishan, SingaporeRestrictions
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Cervical cancer ranks as one of Singapore’s top ten cancers affecting women. More than 200 cases are diagnosed each year. Cervical cancer is highly preventable and curable when detected and treated early through regular screening.
#My1stPapTest utilises the ThinPrep Pap Test, a liquid-based cytology similar to the traditional Pap smear. Cells from the cervix are collected and placed into a liquid-based solution for better sample preservation before analysis. This advanced screening technique improves the detection of abnormal cells and increases the accuracy of results.
#My1stPapTest is a campaign jointly organised by Icon Cancer Centre and 365 Cancer Prevention Society to provide seamless access to sponsored pap test for individuals aged 25 to 69 from lower-income families. The sponsored pap test includes pre-screen and post-screen consultation with a medical doctor.
Sign-Up for #My1stPapTest Cervical Cancer Screening from Now to 15 May 2024
Screening eligibility:
- 25 to 69 years old
- Valid blue or orange CHAS card holder
- Have had engaged in sexual intercourse
Make a difference to the lives of these at-risk individuals and support the efforts of 365CPS.
Members of the public who wish to support #My1stPapTest can do so via the following platforms.
Giving.sg: https://www.giving.sg/donate/campaign/my1stpaptest
Give.asia: https://give.asia/campaign/my1stpaptest
- Your $30 donation will be a support for #My1stPapTest campaign
- Your $50 donation will sponsor the pre and post screening consultations for a woman from the lower-income group
- Your $100 donation will sponsor a full cervical cancer screening for a woman from the lower-income group
All donations to 365CPS will be eligible for 250% tax relief. Any excess funds will be directed to supporting the Society’s tri-fold mission.
For any enquiries or to register for #My1stPapTest, members of the public can contact 365CPS community partners, email 365CPS at elyn.tan@365cps.org.sg or register on 365CPS website.
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