With a new team at the helm building upon the great work done over the past five years, we challenged ourselves to imagine what Archifest could be over the next five years and then set the foundations for it. We reinvented our branding and sharpened the focus of the Festival. We initiated new signature programmes such as the Archifest Pavilion, the Archifest Party and pop-up school called the School of Urban Ideas. We tweaked the format and direction of the traditional Forum, Architours and Fringe Events line-up. And perhaps most importantly, we actively set out to create a platform and invite the community;to come together and celebrate ideas about the city. In fact, this year sees the participation and support of more schools, organisations, government bodies, private companies and creatives including those beyond; the architecture and urban design industry, galvanising together to create this festival.
The line-up of programmes that you see in this year's festival has been curated so as to provide a variety of entry points to conversations about the built environment that we live in. With events ranging from enriching exhibitions to hands-on workshops and even picnics, we hope to have everyone including professionals, students and the general public, experience our city in new ways and look at it through new lenses this October. Let's celebrate ideas about the city. Let's rethink Singapore.
Adib Jalal - Festival Director