M1 Singapore Fringe Festival - Art And Loss
“We never understand how little we need in this world until we know the loss of it" - James Barrie
Loss as a concept is something that everyone would be intimately familiar with as an inevitable part of our human experience. It implies a previous state of existence, a reality that has altered, sometimes irrevocably. But yet without that knowledge of a past being, there would not have been loss in the first place. Through loss, we are made acutely aware of a presence of the past, and perhaps through that, a projection into a future that we aspire towards.
In this materialistic age where there is a universal obsession to procure, win, and retain; where we seek to embellish our lives with ever more items, people, and meaning, loss reminds us of the fragility of possession: of history, of memory, of relationships. When we lose something – or even ourselves – we come face to face with change, in a new environment we now need to get acquainted and accustomed to. We are challenged to view our world anew, to confront our beliefs, to compromise and adapt, and finally to learn how to let go. Loss compels us to accept transience, and by way of that, we learn to be free.
Join the Fringe as we examine and excavate different interpretations of the relationship between Art and Loss.
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