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Ticket Information

  • Early Bird: $385.20 each
  • Normal: $438.70 each
  • Members: $342.40 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Tue Jun 11 2019, 9:00am–5:00pm
  • Fri Sep 6 2019, 9:00am–5:00pm
  • Thu Dec 12 2019, 9:00am–5:00pm


All ages

Minutes are not just for the record; very often, it is also the basis for action and decisions. Any person who attends a meeting may be asked to take up this important task. As minutes provide an official record of what has taken place during the meeting, you must be very accurate and clear.

Familiarise yourself with the common challenges that most people will encounter when taking down minutes, know how much you should take down during a meeting and how to write correctly.

After the workshop, you will be able to:
- Have an overall understanding of how meetings are conducted
- Know the techniques for taking and summarising notes of meetings
- Practise writing notes of discussions and minutes of meetings clearly and concisely

What You Will Learn:
Common Meeting Terms
Order of business in meetings
Language for minutes
Types of minutes recordings
Style in Minutes
- Paragraph size
- Sentence length
- Note form or sentences
- Attributability
- Tense
- Reported speech
- Active and passive voice
- Numbering
- Punctuation
- Notes
Summarising techniques for reporting and discussion items
Note-taking Techniques
Summarising Discussions
Styles in minutes
Difference between minutes and notes of discussions

Who Should Attend?
Administrative staff and anyone who needs to take minutes.

Participants are guided through practical steps of the topic with a combination of lectures, case studies and group discussions.

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